Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Nothing comes from nothing, seems to be a common element in today's art mediums. For example, on a regular basis my drawing class looks at or copies another artists work. Some work that is produced is almost an exact replica where as others adopt a similar style. Is it really appropriation if the artist is unaware that similar work is already in existence? The article argued that perhaps the knowledge of a piece was tucked away in the subconscious and therefore came out in an unknown way.

I believe being inspired by someones work or process is vastly different then "stealing" there are some who would interpret it thus. What i find interesting is that those who are taking already existing photos or videos and making them their own are doing no more then collages. I would draw the line somewhere, as there is always a line to be drawn. If it is such a direct steal and not altered work then it is plain wrong, for then where is the surprise? the creativity? it falls flat in boredom.

It is true that today's technology has advanced us so far we are separated from older generations. They see photo shopped pictures and their minds are blown while we glace at every photo with skepticism. Times have changed and so has art but the basic foundations will always apply. We take whatever means we can to say something, anything. We take without processing the consequences because we believe in the outcome, we believe in the process. When I think about it, every action I make is influenced by someone or something, and so is my art.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I chose this text with this photo because to me it is an example of something almost destroyed, almost ruined, almost completely gone...but not quite. When I was creating this i thought about one of my best friends who always forgets that when things go wrong or get shitty, she is still herself, still beautiful, still living. Sometimes the shattered parts of life are what makes us truly beautiful.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Careers and Warnings

Career Options:

pole dancer

personal fetish

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


photos by: Ruven Afanador

These photos are simulating and breathtaking all at once. The risks they take and the unique perspective shouts to challenge the status quo. I find that Ruven's work offers an experience, not only in seeing it, but in the way that it pushes me to be better. 

First Class

test drive