Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Christopher Lambert said...

This is a good idea but you need to use a gradient.

Mary Jachetti said...

This is really nice, I love your stylized approach, but you didn't use a gradient which was required.

K L. Emig said...

I like the fact that this drawing looks authentic and that the line work is very sketchy. But yes, you should have used gradient.

Paige Pearsall said...

yes i am thisty...

Brandon Baiocco said...

Nice bottle, i like how you decided to make your lines sketchy and "reckless" it gives it a lot of character.

Doug Wadas said...

I like the heart. It reminds me of "the Grinch that stole Christmas" cartoon when they show how small his heart is.

Susie Sewell said...

I like this bottle cause of the sketchiness of it, it fits you well. just kidding. but seriously.